Alexandr Kolesnik
B.S. in Computer Science Achieved in 2016
California State Univerity Northridge
Full Stack Developer
Leaps & Rebounds
2017 - Present
Enhanced our website, created new sections and improving load times, doubling conversion rate.
Implemented & wrote tests for Ruby on Rails backend code responsible for synchronizing orders with our shipping provider.
Created a system using webhooks to notify staff of possible fraudulent orders.
- Suikoden RNG Tool | Repo
- Web App used to predict random events such as enemy encounters and item drops in Suikoden (Playstation 1 Game).
- Reverse-engineered game code to determine how random number generation is calculated and used to determine game events.
- Written in Typescript and uses React & Semantic UI for the User Interface. Whole application is client-side and is hosted on GitHub pages.
- Wrote an algorithm to find the user’s RNG value out of 232 possible values in O(n) time and O(1) space complexity. It takes a sequence of battles as an input and finds the same pattern using Bayer-Moore algorithm.
- partyq | Repo
- Live social playlist controlled by users. Each group of users have their own room for their music.
- Users add songs from Youtube/Soundcloud and control playlist order through a simple voting system.
- Backend written in Nodejs and uses Redux and for managing application state and live updates.
- Frontend written using React.
- First place winner at Computer Science Senior Design Showcase
- Languages: Javascript, React, CSS, HTML, Lua, C, Java, Ruby on Rails, Python.
- Tools & Services: Linux, git, Shopify, AWS, Heroku, standard Unix tools.
- English - Fluent
- Russian - Fluent • (818)983-7019 • GitHub